Eclipse Composite This photo is made up of 11 exposures from a telephoto camera aimed at the sun during the entirety of the solar eclipse.
Partial Phase First contact (C1) was hidden behind clouds and rain at our location (Shaw AFB), this was the first clear photo of the partial phase of the eclipse, as the clouds were clearing.
Nearing C2 Just a small sliver of sun remains visible; this was the last photo of the partial phase of the eclipse before totality, using a Thousand Oaks Optical solar film filter on the camera.
Cloud Cover A wispy cloud drifts in front of the sun just as the eclipse enters the totality phase.
Diamond Rings 1 The first of two "diamond ring" phases that bookend totality.
Viper Demo Team Eclipse F-16s sit in the eerie mid-afternoon twilight during totality.
Baily's Beads and Solar Prominences
Earthshine The light of the sun is reflected by the face of the Earth back onto the darkened side of the moon, revealing some details of the lunar surface.
Solar Corona The corona, or outer atmosphere of the sun, is visible around the edges of the moon as it prevents the majority of the light of the sun from reaching the earth.
Totality nearing completion The horizon was lit with a 360 degree sunset, as the sun is still blacked out overhead.
Diamond Rings 2 The second of the "diamond ring" phases of totality, as the moon begins to clear the face of the sun.
Receding partial phases