Star City Mill Mountain's neon star shines out over Roanoke at sunset on Friday, May 26, 2017.
Roanoke at Sunset The setting sun lights the sky on fire as the lights of Roanoke glow in the valley below.
N&W 611 pasisng beneath the Blue Ridge Parkway Heading eastbound from Roanoke to Lynchburg, VA, our first stop on May 27, 2017 was the Blue Ridge Parkway. Photographers were stacked three rows deep in this location by the time the 611 came through.
The Famed Blue Ridge Grade Rounding a curve, the 611 nears the summit in Blue Ridge, passing between the remains of a 1950s era bridge over the tracks.
Crossing the Roanoke River West of Salem, the N&W tracks cross over the Roanoke River, and the 611 paces a westbound containerized freight train. Luckily, just as the steam train pulled around the corner, she met a series of empty well cars, leaving us with a more or less unobstructed background.
Under the Coaling Tower The last remaining Coaling Tower over the route from Roanoke to Christiansburg, Vicker was a popular photo location this weekend.
Preparing to turn 611 heads down into the Wye to realign for Monday morning's excursion.
Virginian Flyover The 611 passes beneath the Virginian Railway flyover near Salem, VA.
Friendship Road Crossing Nearing the top of the Christiansburg Grade, the N&W 611 approaches the crossing at Friendship Road.
Elliston, Homeward Bound Motion pan of the 611 passing through a farm just outside Elliston, VA.
Drawing to a close Monday evening, both the weekend's excursions as well as the 2017 season's, draw to a close as the 611 glides into Roanoke one final time.